SailTool software

SailTool is a program for the measurement and parameterisation of yacht sails and rigging. The program runs on PCs running Microsoft Windows and provides a user-friendly interface for performing high accuracy measurements.
Features include:
- parameterisation of sail draft stripes
- mast bend measurement
- leech twist measurement
- spinnaker flying distance measurement
- virtual protractor and tape measure tools
- grid overlay tool
- full user-friendly windows interface
- fully featured online help
- database of commonly used yacht classes and parameters

Camera requirements: The program can process images from any source e.g., digital cameras or scanned images from film cameras. Higher resolution images allow greater measurement accuracy – subject to operator accuracy.
Suitable Image Formats: PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP.

SailTool was originally developed by the Centre for Marine Science & Technology (CMST) for the Australian Yachting Federation for use in the coaching of the 2000 Sydney Olympics yachting team. A team that was successful in winning four gold medals.

SailTool provides a windows based interface for digitisation, measurement and parameterisation. Here, mast bend is being measured.

A comparison can be made between sail stripe parameters of all stripes on the same sail or the same stripe on different images.