2015 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2003 | 2002

November 2015 [4MB PDF]
Topics: CMST celebrates 30 Years; History of CMST, Hydrodynamics, Marine Biology; The Art of Sea-Noise Logging; Dive to the Wreck of the Sydney; Orcas Ahoi; Meet our Students; etc.

June 2013 [2MB PDF]
Topics: Prof Darlene Ketten wins Western Australian Fellowship, Sonar imaging of large sharks; Cataloguing underwater noise from offshore industries; Underwater noise of personal watercraft (jetskis); CMST workshop on underwater noise – A success; International regulation of underwater noise.

November 2012 [5.5MB PDF]
Topics: Research on Endangered Australian Sea Lions in the Perth Metropolitan Area; Recent Study puts Ship Noise on the Map; Underwater A-Capella; Student Activities; Bottlenose Dolphins in Noise-Rich Environments; Mapping the Antarctic Sea Floor.

June 2012 [1.5MB PDF]
Topics: Behavioural Response of Australian Humpback Whales to Seismic Surveys (BRAHSS); CMST’s Erbel Infusion; Order of Australia; Five Years at the Fremantle Sailing Club; Courses and Workshops; Sounding out the Northern Scalefish; Student Activities.

November 2011 [794KB PDF]
Topics: The Southwest Whale Ecology Study; ‘Immerse’ Yourself; HMAS Sydney II in 3D; Changes in Blue Whale Call Frequency; CMST Welcomes New Postgraduate Students; CMST Olympic Sailing; PhD Graduates ‘Doff’ Their Caps.

May 2011 [296KB PDF]
Topics: First BRAHSS Experiment Completed; Underwater Communications Project Concludes; Andrew Woods Elected SPIE Fellow; Western Australia Humpback Whale Population Estimated; CMST Welcomes New Postgraduate Students; CMST Researcher Wins Environment Award; International Activities.

November 2010 [876kB PDF]
Topics: Passive Acoustics Research for Fisheries; Stereo Cameras in the Gulf of Mexico; Finalist in Innovator Awards; PhD Student Research; International Collaboration.

May 2010 [722kB PDF]
Topics:Research Shows Speed Damages Shorelines; CMST Celebrates 25 Years; IMOS Funding Extended; International Activities; Seakeeping Short Course; New-look CMST Website; CMST Lunchbox Seminars.

Nov 2009 [386kB PDF]
Topics: Defence Award for Beaked Whales Project; Grant for Olympic Sailing Research; International Activities; New Stereovision Spinoff Company, DeepVision3D.

May 2009 [300kB PDF]
Topics: Naval Architecture on the Move; International Activities; Marine Innovation; First National Acoustic Stations Installed; New Research Students; Ships in Shallow Water.

Oct 2008 [415kB PDF]
Topics: Listening to Antarctic Ice Cracking from Australia; Marine Habitat Mapping; Free Sail Analysis; Australian Sea Lions; Swan River Dolphins

May 2008 [241kB PDF]
Topics: Under Keel Clearance and Ship Squat; Study of High Speed Slamming; Visiting Researchers; Curtin New Inventors; Pursuit of Knowledge; Monitoring of Pipelines; High Speed Conference; Farewell to Justy.

Oct 2007 [136kB PDF]
Topics: That Dam Job; Sonar Purchase; Curtin’s Inaugural Innovator-in-Residence; Underwater Technology; Waterfront Research; Chinese Collaboration; Stereoscopic Cameras.

June 2007 [132kB PDF]
Topics: New National Underwater Acoustics Facility; National Research ROV; Scholarship Successes; International Visitors; Waterfront Research Facility Launched; Student Internships; Naval Architecture; Underwater Technology.

Oct 2006 [230kB PDF]
Topics: CMST Gets a Room with an Ocean View; Higher Profile for Marine Research and Development; More Stereoscopic Cameras; Boat Design & Performance; Seismic Survey Sound Levels; New Scholarships Available; Naval Architecture Education; Marine Acoustics Online.

May 2006 [89kB PDF]
Topics: High Performance Computing and Visualisation; Fisheries Acoustics; Ships in Shallow Water; Sea Gyro Reducing Roll; Completed Research Theses; New PhD Research; Mini-3D Camera Destinations; International Linkages.

Sept 2005 [87kB PDF]
Topics: 20 Years of Leading Research & Development; New CMST Director; Marine Bio-Acoustics; DSTO Strategic Alliance; Antarctic Ice Calving; Naval Architecture Degree; PhD Study Opportunities; Coastal Zone Habitat Mapping; Completed Research Theses.

Sept 2003 [133kB PDF]
Topics: Seeing in Depth at Depth; Coastal Success; Marine Acoustics and Hydrodynamics Skills; Underwater Sound; Vessel Motions; Improved ROV Piloting.

Oct 2002 [412kB PDF]
Topics: Underwater Sound; CRC Update; Ship Hydrodynamics; Underwater Technology; Funding Opportunities.

Apr 2002 [117kB PDF]
Topics: CRC bids; Field trips; Commercial sail imaging software sales.

Jan 2002 [144 kB PDF]
Topics: CMST’s first newsletter; John Penrose retirement; Biological sea noise; Hydroelasticity of offshore structures; Underwater stereo vision